Reminder: Mowing and Haying Bids for the coming mowing season are due on Wednesday. The area in red is an area that can be bid to pay the school to cut, bale, and haul away the hay for this summer. Read the directions for Bid 2 to see which areas the school is contracting with someone to maintain with mowing and weedeating. If you know someone who would be interested in either Bid Request, please let them know.
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Kevin T. Goddard
2023 Mowing Season
Junior High and High School 3rd Quarter Honor Roll. Tigers, YOU are doing great things!!!!!!
almost 2 years ago, TJ Black
honor roll
JH 3rd QT
HS 3rd QT
Threasa's bus is down and running late today. Not sure how late it will be at this time. Thank you for your patience.
almost 2 years ago, John Gilbert
track practice will start at the gym tomorrow at 3:00 then we will end at the track at 5:30
almost 2 years ago, Damon Green
Thursday's softball game @ Butler has been rescheduled to Wednesday @ Butler 4:30 pm, due to scheduling conflicts.
almost 2 years ago, Damon Green
​We have applied with the Bates County Commission for American Rescue Plan Funds to help the district start a daycare program. There are several teachers with little ones or expecting that can no longer find childcare in Rich Hill since all providers have closed since the COVID shutdown. We know there will be a few teachers who will have to resign if there is no childcare available. Since this is a COVID caused issue, we have applied for $287,408 to provide a facility, equipment, and first year staffing expenses to help us get up and running at a reasonable daily rate for staff. Open spots after staff would be available to working community members at a reasonable cost. The district would expand its daycare and preschool program according to demand from the community to provide working parents seamless care from birth to 5 years old. We thank the Commission for their work in distributing available funds. We think this would be a huge benefit to many families in the Rich Hill community and would benefit all of the students in the district as we would be able to keep our quality teachers by providing childcare to them.
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Kevin T. Goddard
Rich Hill Tiger Pep Band
almost 2 years ago, Damon Green
Noah and Hayden get a feel for their soon to be home
Tiger band representing
getting ready!
What a fantastic way to end our week! We had a very brave kindergartener help save the day on Tuesday. Alecsus Entrikin's grandma picked her up after school. On the way home, Alecsus noticed an elderly woman that had fallen in front of her home and was trying to flag down some help. Alecsus told her grandma they needed to turn around and go help. Needless to say, she saved the day! Alecsus was recognized today by the city and our local policemen! She received a certificate of appreciation from the city of Rich Hill for honorable achievement! Congratulations to Alecsus for being so brave!
almost 2 years ago, TJ Black
Alecsus saves the day!
Rich Hill R-IV School is beginning the 6th Cycle of the Missouri School Improvement Program. If you are a parent or community member, please fill in the following anonymous survey--no personal information is collected or saved. District staff may also fill out this parent and community survey. Separate staff and student surveys will be sent to staff and student email accounts. This survey will close on Friday.
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Kevin T. Goddard
Rich Hill kindergarten and early childhood screenings for the 2023-2024 school year will be held on April 3rd and April 4th, 2023. Students must turn 5 by August 1st to be eligible for kindergarten. Early childhood screenings are for students ages 3 to 5. An appointment can be made by calling Carla in the elementary office at (417)395-2227. We look forward to meeting you and your child.
almost 2 years ago, TJ Black
23-24 screenings
Tiger Nation Thank you doesn’t seem like enough! From our players, cheerleaders, manager, coaches, students, parents, staff members, community members, and businesses. THANK YOU!!! The season didn’t end how we wanted it to last night, but these boys fought hard until the end! Players, we are so proud of you! Your attitude on and off the court was classy and kind. Your heart for the game is clear! As we watch two important players walk into a new phase of life in a few short months, we wish them all the best. We have some solid players on this team and will have so new additions with the upcoming freshmen. We can’t wait to see what you can do next year! Parents! Thank you for your support! All of the food, goodie bags, encouragement, and strong belief in these boys has been amazing!! To our fearless Manager! Thank you for keeping our boys hydrated and encouraged! Cheerleaders! Thank you for keeping our fans and players pumped up! Staff, students, and Community! You rallied around this team and kept them encouraged!! Please know the boys noticed and loved every minute of it! And to our team! Thank you for a season we could all be proud of. We all hope that you are as proud of yourselves as we are proud of you! Your representation of Rich Hill was outstanding. We are so proud of both of our basketball teams and are excited to see you next year!
about 2 years ago, TJ Black
thank you
There has been a ton of information sent out the last couple of days please read through all of it and pass on this information to anyone who may have missed it. Spring practices start tomorrow these include softball, and track and field. Track practice will start at 3:20 at the track and due to the boys advancing to Sectionals practice will be done at 4:45 sharp to allow kids to that are going to be able to leave in time. If you are picking your kids up from practice make sure they are pick up on time to allow everyone to get to the game. Softball practice will start at 3:30 at the ballfield and they will be finishing early as well. Kids have a minimum amount of practices before first contest, so they need to be at practice. Thanks everyone!
about 2 years ago, Damon Green
There will be a late start on Tuesday, February 28th due to the distance and timing of the sectional matchup on Monday night. This will be a 2-hour late start so school will begin at 10:00 AM. If you ride the bus, bus times will be 2 hours later. Thank you!
about 2 years ago, John Gilbert
Your Rich Hill Tigers will be traveling to their sectional matchup versus Thomas Jefferson Independent at Willard High School. It is slated for a 7:45 tipoff on Monday February 27th. There is a pep bus that will be traveling to Willard for the game if there is enough interest. Please fill out the following Google Form if your child intends to ride the pep bus ( This is open for all 6-12th graders. There will be a permission slip that must be signed by parents prior to the end of school on Monday for your child to ride the bus. We will push that out sometime tomorrow and will have copies in the office if you do not have printing capabilities. Additionally, we will have a late start on Tuesday, February 28th due to the distance and timing of the game on Monday night. School will begin at 10:00 AM. Congrats Tigers on a great game but we're not done yet!
about 2 years ago, John Gilbert
The RH Medical Clinic is offering FREE MSHSAA Physicals 3.9.2023. Physicals are good for 2 years and will be used for the upcoming school years. If you would like your student to obtain a physical please complete the parent portion of the physical forms and return them to the office. No student will be allowed to be examined without the forms being fully complete and signed. Please find the forms at the link below or have your student pick one up from the high school office. This is available to any 5th - 12th grade student. If you are unsure if your student needs a physical, please call the HS office.
about 2 years ago, TJ Black
free physicals
Rich Hill Tigers are your Basketball Conference Champions!
about 2 years ago, TJ Black
2023 champs
A BIG THANK YOU from the kitchen staff!
about 2 years ago, TJ Black
thank you
Thanks again for your support of the Rich Hill Junior Class.
about 2 years ago, Amberly Phelps
In honor of the Chiefs win and the victory parade on Wednesday, there will be no school on Wednesday (2/15/23).
about 2 years ago, John Gilbert
Congratulations to Dr. John Gilbert and his KC Chiefs for winning the Super Bowl yesterday! Dr. Gilbert is # 23 and a team member of the National Wheelchair Football League! It's not everyday you can say your principal is a Super Bowl Champ! #ProudToBeATiger #kcchiefs Check out the news story KCTV 5 did on the game.
about 2 years ago, TJ Black
Dr. Gilbert-Super Bowl Champion