Please join us in celebrating the newest members of our National Honor Society Thursday, March 13, 2025, at 7 pm in the auditorium. Congratulations to Mark Arnold, Leeanna Bell, Kaden Black, and Morgan Steuck!

Final reminder: Free physicals are on Tuesday, March 11th. Students in 5th - 12th grade Physical forms MUST be completed for the student to receive this service. Forms are available in the high school office or online. https://www.mshsaa.org/resources/SportsMedicine/MSHSAA-PPE-MH-SSMB.pdf

Free physicals are on Tuesday, March 11th.
Students in 5th - 12th grade
Physical forms MUST be completed for the student to receive this service.
Forms are available in the high school office or online.

The final day for Kindergarten & Early Childhood Screenings is next Monday, March 10th!
Students must turn 5 years old by August 1st to be eligible for kindergarten.
Early childhood screenings are for students 3 to 5 years Old
To Make an appointment, please get in touch with the elementary office (417) 395-2227
We look forward to meeting you and your child.

Rich Hill Board 2025-2026 Approved Calendar.

Rich Hill High School will have the following positions open for the 2025-2026 school year. Junior High/High School Business and Science Teachers.
Please click the link for more information.

Join us for Book Fair Family night from 5-7 pm in the HS Auditorium. Thurs., Feb. 27. Park in the North HS gravel lot and walk to the HS entrance. The front auditorium doors will be open. And have some make-it-take-it fun with Title I in the HS cafeteria!

Congratulations to the WEMO Conference Choir members.
Brayden Schenker, Leeanna Bell, and Oscar Green were selected to perform solos in the conference choir.

Congratulations to the following students for making the 2024 Academic All-State teams for Cross Country and Volleyball!
Lanie Phelps
Maysi Miller
Izzy Swope
Leeanna Bell
Abi Reed
Emily Mackey (not pictured)
Andrew Kithcart

Winter Senior Night was held on February 20th. Congratulations to our Seniors!

Join us at the BookFair Monday, Feb. 24 - Friday, Feb. 28 from 7:30 am - 3:30 pm. And Family Night is Thursday; Feb. 26 from 5-7 pm! Thanks for reading!

Congratulations to your Rich Hill Chapter of the FBLA for earning Champion Chapter for Service Season 24-25!

Here are several important announcements from the Rich Hill School District. This is Superintendent Kevin Goddard. After driving the routes, I am just not comfortable with having our buses out on the rural roads yet. I know everyone is ready to get back into school, but I believe this is the best decision for student safety early tomorrow morning. This will be AMI day 4. We did not send home packets for a 4th day, so teachers will be emailing parents the day 4 packet ASAP. Middle and High school students need to login as usual and teachers will have work waiting for them. They must make contact with their teacher and complete their work to be counted present. Finally, our last conference game before districts is tonight against Archie. JV boys begin at 5:30pm followed by girls varsity. Senior Night will be held after the girls game and before the boys varsity game. Thank you for your patience and we are looking forward to warmer weather next week. The roads will be extremely muddy next week, so it may be necessary for parents on rural roads to meet the buses on blacktop. Thank you and stay safe.

Game on, Rich Hill vs Archie! Bundle up and come support your Tigers tonight! (2/20/2025) The evening will start with half of a JV Boys game at 5:30 pm, Varsity Girls and we will end the evening with Varsity Boys. We will recognize our eleven seniors between the Varsity games.
Be safe in your travels.

AMI Day 3 Thursday--no school--make sure you login and/or complete your packet. Make sure to make contact with your teachers to be counted present.

No School Wednesday--AMI Day 2; login or complete packets. Teachers need to be in contact with your student for them to be counted present.

No School Tuesday--AMI Day 1. HS/MS must login and complete assignments to be present. Elementary do packet day 1. Teachers will be in contact.

Here are the game updates for next week: (February 17 - 21). Please keep in mind that all dates and times are subject to change.
Monday, 2/17/2025--RH @ Lakeland--5:30 pm. Half JVB, VG, VB
Tuesday, 2/18/2025--No Game
Wednesday, 2/19/2025--RH @ Jasper--5:30 FULL JVB--5:30 VG, VB
Thursday, 2/20/2025--RH vs Archie--Senior Night--5:30 FULL JVB, VG, VB

Junior High Track Conditioning:
Friday, February 14th, 3:15 -4:15 pm

It’s Fundraising Friday, and we’re focusing on building our Rich Hill FBLA Chapter! Please show your support by ordering from a student. Or copy/paste https://radafundraising.com/?rfsn=1991405.827a3e into your browser. Thank you!!