Parents, we apologize, but we are down a driver for the foreseeable future. We have a few people going through the training process, which takes several months, so we do not have a driver who can cover the route east of Interstate 49 which includes the route after school tonight. We will continue to work on a solution, but until we secure a driver, parents east of 49 will need to arrange transportation for their children to and from school until further notice. This will also affect Early Childhood. We have someone covering Early Childhood AM preschool, and PM preschool can be picked up, and PM preschool kids west of I49 can be dropped off, but PM preschool east of 49 will not be able to be taken home. Again, we are sorry for the inconvenience, but we do not have any solutions at this time. If anyone has a bus endorsement, or would like help earning their CDL and bus endorsement, please contact central office.
7 days ago, Dr. Kevin T. Goddard
The Rich Hill R-IV School Board is seeking bids for snow and ice removal from main campus school parking lots (student lot, high school circle, dome, and loading dock area) for the remainder of the season as needed. The bid amount requested would be per incident. A separate amount for sidewalk clearing would be considered if presented on the bid. Bids are due in Central Office by January 31 at 3pm. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
20 days ago, Dr. Kevin T. Goddard
The Rich Hill R-IV School Board is seeking bids for snow and ice removal from main campus school parking lots (student lot, high school circle, dome, and loading dock area) for the remainder of the season as needed. The bid amount would be per incident. A separate amount for sidewalk clearing would be considered if presented on the bid. Bids are due in Central Office by February 10 at 3pm. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
20 days ago, Dr. Kevin T. Goddard
Currently we have 4 bus routes in the morning. The evening will vary between 3 and 4 routes so drop off times may be off by as much as 20 minutes depending on whether a driver is available for the 4th route. Thank you for your patience.
23 days ago, Dr. Kevin T. Goddard
Due to road conditions there will be no school on Friday.
27 days ago, Dr. Kevin T. Goddard
This is Superintendent Kevin Goddard with 2 important announcements, one for parents and one for staff. Due to road conditions and extreme temperatures in the morning, there will be no school on Thursday. Tomorrow will be a work day for all staff except bus drivers and cooks. Hours will be 9am to 2pm for staff. Thank you and have a great evening.
28 days ago, Dr. Kevin T. Goddard
Due to road conditions and low hanging, ice covered trees, there will be no school on Wednesday. With low temperatures and more snow moving into the area, Thursday is doubtful, but a final decision will be made tomorrow afternoon. Administration, custodial and maintenance, and secretaries report from 9am to 2pm.
29 days ago, Dr. Kevin T. Goddard
Classes and all activities are canceled for Tuesday, January 7, 2025 due to the condition of roads and extreme temperatures.
30 days ago, Dr. Kevin T. Goddard
Here's the link to the first district newsletter of the year...yeah, it's been a crazy one. If you haven't signed up to receive it automatically, please do!
3 months ago, Dr. Kevin T. Goddard
We have a sub driver who is going to fill in until our regular driver can return which will bring us back to four routes starting tomorrow morning, Friday the 8th. Routes will adjust and become shorter so we are advising parents to send their children to the bus stop 10 to 15 minutes LATER than normal. Evening drop offs will also adjust to an earlier time since routes will be shorter. Thank you for your patience and pick up and drop off times should stabilize by the end of next week.
3 months ago, Dr. Kevin T. Goddard
Rich Hill R-IV is developing a Master Facility Plan to help guide the use of funds from Prop KIDS over the next 10 to 15 years. Please fill out the very short survey to show the school board what you think the priorities to improve district facilities should be! Survey closes on Friday the 18th.
4 months ago, Dr. Kevin T. Goddard
Parents, we apologize for the inconvenience, but due to circumstances beyond our control, we will have to switch back to 3 routes starting tomorrow.
5 months ago, Dr. Kevin T. Goddard
This is an important announcement from the Rich Hill School District. On Monday, we will begin running 4 routes again. This will continue for 6 weeks. We will do our best to have someone trained to take over the 4th route at the end of 6 weeks. If we cannot get someone trained, we will have to return to 3 routes. On Monday, please be patient as bus drivers adjust their routes. Pickup and dropoff times may change some so please make sure to watch for your bus Monday morning.
5 months ago, Dr. Kevin T. Goddard
Little Cheer will perform at half time. The rock bleachers, sand pile, back of the old gym, and chainlink fence has been infested with red and yellow and black wasps. The area has been treated multiple times, but not all areas have been eliminated. Please keep children with you when they are not cheering. For safety reasons, golf carts will only be allowed into the stadium to go to a purchased Booster Club spot or to drop off a disabled individual with a chair or at the bleachers and then leave the stadium.
5 months ago, Dr. Kevin T. Goddard
Well, the first week is down! Even though it was only 3 days, I think everyone is ready for the weekend. Thank you to all the parents who started transporting their children to and from school. This has helped with bus crowding tremendously. Please note that Homecoming is early this year. It will be on September 20 against Appleton City. The TShirt order form is attached to this message. You only have 6 days to get your order in. Order forms will be sent home with elementary students today. Finally, it is with regret that we cancel JH Football this year. With only 8 players out for the team, we felt that the risk of injury or having to forfeit a game if a player cannot take the field is too high to continue. The boys and cheerleaders are obviously disappointed. The boys were offered the opportunity to serve as managers for Varsity so they can help on the sidelines and become a part of team culture. Cheerleaders will continue to practice as they prepare for basketball season and will be involved in Little Cheer. We anticipate a large number of boys out for JH Football next year, so we are optimistic this is a one-year problem. Thanks for sending us your amazing kids every day! Have a great weekend!
6 months ago, Dr. Kevin T. Goddard
2024 Spirit Shirts
Hello parents! I hope your children had a good first day of school. We have seen an increase in enrollment and as you know our bus routes have dropped to 3 until we can find another driver. These buses are very crowded and we got everyone home safe today. We are trying to put as many as 4 children per seat which means loading is a challenge so please do not change your child’s drop off location unless it is an emergency. If you have the availability to drop your child off or pick them up, I’m sure your child and all of those who must ride the bus will thank you! Also, this is the second year for all parent drop-off and pick-up being at the dome. For student safety, no children should be picked up in the student and faculty parking lot or dropped off there in the morning. If your child is trying to go out these doors, they will be redirected to the dome entrance to get picked up. If they manage to get past the teachers on duty or go out another entrance to sneak around to the student lot, just like last year they will face disciplinary action. We do have cameras viewing those exits and the parking lot so we will be able to identify children. All of these regulations are to protect the more than 330 students we serve from preschool to 12th grade. Thank you for your help as we try to get the school year off to a good start.
6 months ago, Dr. Kevin T. Goddard
Dear Parents, School begins on Wednesday morning at 7:56am and we look forward to having your children back with us for the 2024-25 School Year. We are facing a bus driver shortage and so we will need your patience and cooperation regarding school transportation. For now, we will have 3 routes until we can train and hire another driver. All of our current drivers are retirees with limits on the number of hours they are permitted to work. Due to this, drivers cannot wait for children to come out of houses after the driver has stopped and honked the horn multiple times. Children need to be waiting at the bus stop when the driver approaches the stop. If the driver stops and children are not visible, the driver will proceed to the next stop. Children who miss the bus will need to be delivered to the school by the parent because drivers will not be able to return the house. The same applies in the evening. Bus drivers will drop the child at the designated bus stop. The driver is not responsible for verifying a parent is home before departing the bus stop. Parents must ensure there is an adult waiting at the designated stop. The school receives 20 to 40 bus drop off changes per day and each one requires the teacher, the child, and the bus driver to be notified by the office secretary. This takes time and creates confusion, especially when we do not receive calls until the last 15 minutes of school. Please try to call before 2pm if there is an emergency situation where a child needs delivered to another location than their normal stop. Please minimize call-ins to change your child’s drop off location as we are trying to deliver over 200 children home every day and each change increases the chance of the child getting delivered to their normal stop instead of the one you have requested that day. The first few days of school are always a challenge as we figure out how long routes will take and what time the bus will arrive. Because our routes will be longer, we are unsure of when buses will be at your home location. If you are in a rural location, please be looking for your bus as soon as 15 minutes before your normal time and it may arrive later than usual. Town route children should begin watching for their bus by 7am and most children will be picked up by 7:35am. Each day your bus time will become a little more accurate, but children should always be ready for their bus 10 minutes before it normally arrives. Thank you for helping us keep school buses the safest form of transportation in the United States.
6 months ago, Dr. Kevin T. Goddard
Please see the attached Tax Rate Hearing Notice. Per Prop KIDS, the levy will be held even with last year's levy, except 45 cents will be shifted into Fund 4 to help pay for facility repairs and improvements. This 45 cents will generate about $150,000 per year and will be added to the district's transfer of operating funds and other allowable transfers into Fund 4. The board has authorized the development of a Master Facility Plan to identify and prioritize capital improvement needs from Fund 4.
6 months ago, Dr. Kevin T. Goddard
24-25 Tax Rate Hearing Notice
The district is looking for student help again this summer. If you will be 16 and a junior, senior, or current graduate by May 20 and would like to be considered for a summer custodial position helping paint, clean, wax floors, etc., come by central office and get a support staff application or download it from the website. Qualifications will include passing grades, a good work ethic, no disciplinary action, and a cooperative attitude. Applications must be submitted by May 1. The work schedule will be Monday through Thursday, 10 hours a day. Prompt and regular work attendance is expected.
10 months ago, Dr. Kevin T. Goddard
This is just a friendly reminder from the Rich Hill R-IV School District to go exercise your American privilege of being able to vote in public elections! Voters will decide which community members will serve on our local school board and whether to pass Prop KIDS. Thank you for supporting the Rich Hill R-IV School District with your participation.
10 months ago, Dr. Kevin T. Goddard