September 11, 2023
If you would like added to the weekly emails-Please email:
September 5, 2023
Please email if you would like added to the weekly schedule emails.
August 28, 2023
If you did not receive the weekly schedule/announcements email today and would like to, please email to be added to the list.
August 23, 2023
The Rich Hill R-IV School District is proud to welcome a number of new staff...many of them hometown faces! These new faculty and support staff employees attended the back-to-scho...
August 17, 2023
When I began as a teacher in 1997, Jonesboro and Columbine hadn't happened yet. By the end of that first year, everything had changed. Now, 27 years later, we must start each year...
August 17, 2023
There is a new traffic pattern for student parking and parent drop-off and pick-up. Student Council asked the board to return to pre-COVID patterns and requested the city change...
August 9, 2023
Tomorrow (August 10th) is enrollment day for 7th grade through seniors ! Please stop by the High School Auditorium any time between 8:30-11:00 am or 1:00-3:00 pm. Student Sc...
April 17, 2023
If you are not receiving the weekly school emails, please let the office know.
April 4, 2023
Reminder: No School Friday & Monday-April 7th & 10th
March 21, 2023
3rd Quarter grades and bills will be mailed home this week.
February 21, 2023
View updated brackets at the links below Girls are Class 1 District 7 Boys are Class 1 District 8
February 14, 2023
Rich Hill R-IV School District is seeking a full-time LPN or RN. This position will be for all student-attendance days with some additional paperwork days. An application can be f...
February 2, 2023
Rich Hill R-IV School District has a 2022-23 opening for a PE/w Elementary Character Education or Secondary Choir teacher with coaching-preference will be given to JH Head Footbal...