Reminder: Order forms are due tomorrow: 9/5/18 @ 8am. #jessicasjourney
over 6 years ago, TJ Black
A huge thank you to the Methodist Men for serving breakfast for all the fall athletes this morning!
over 6 years ago, Rich Hill Tigers
Team meal
Serving line
Order forms are available in the school offices. T-shirts are $12 in either orange or purple. #jessicasjourney
over 6 years ago, TJ Black
Homecoming is October 5th versus Archie! #ProudToBeATiger
over 6 years ago, John Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Brocka (aka Greg and Eugenia) shared some “galletas” (cookies) with Mrs. Wheatley’s Spanish classes. They all say “muchas gracias”.
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Wheatley
Muchas gracias Señora y Señora Brocka
Ñam ñam
Tigers are on the board!! Jacob Querry scores on a long touchdown run!!!
over 6 years ago, John Gilbert
Tiger Cheerleaders!!
over 6 years ago, John Gilbert
Tiger Cheerleaders
To all Rich Hill R-IV Parents: On Sunday evening, August 26, 2018 at 5:30PM, our new communication will send you a text message, an email, and a phone call. This is only a test of the system and will not contain any important RH School District News.
over 6 years ago, Rich Hill R-IV School District
The Rich Hill Tigers are proud of our 3-time state champion, Jacob Querry! This link has his race and gold medal interview.
over 6 years ago, Heath Oates
Chemistry class WEIGHING in on elements!!!
over 6 years ago, John Gilbert
Chemistry Class
Chemistry Class
Junior Parent Meeting on September 11 at 6:00. We will meet in the library to discuss after prom. Please plan to attend.
over 6 years ago, Amberly Phelps
A huge thank you to Pastor Barrett and the Christian Church for donating a new drum major podium to the band program! Drum Major, Destiney Burris, is excited that she has something safe to conduct on!!!
over 6 years ago, Miss Klinksick
Dominick practicing his Spanish skills with Señor Gillis.
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Wheatley
Dominick y Señor Gillis
The students are FOCUSING on proper techniques while using the microscope!!
over 6 years ago, John Gilbert
Microscopes in use!!
Junior Class Magazine Sales are easier than ever! Contact your favorite high school junior or, with your phone's QR Reader, just scan the attached image!
over 6 years ago, Amberly Phelps
QR Code Jr Mag Sales
This message is a reminder that Rich Hill Tiger football will not be competing in the Jasper Jamboree tonight.
over 6 years ago, John Gilbert
A Huge Thank You to the Rich Hill Christian Church for feeding the staff of Rich Hill Schools. The meal was awesome and much appreciated!!!
over 6 years ago, John Gilbert
The yearbook has 12 extra yearbooks for sale. They are from the 2017-2018 school year and they are $40 each. Stop by the business room if you would like to purchase one!
over 6 years ago, Michelle Bruce
For all JH Football Players and Parents: The first JH FB Practice is Thursday August 16, 2018, 5-5:30PM. (Shorts and cleats only.) Parent meeting for all JH FB parents in Elem Cafeteria, 5:30PM. Boys must have a completed physical form prior to practicing. Hope to see you there!
over 6 years ago, Rich Hill Tigers
Due to unforeseen circumstances High School football will not be participating in the Jamboree on August 17, 2018 at Jasper.
over 6 years ago, John Gilbert