Stop by Food Fair for the FBLA bake sale. We will be here until noon!
There are cookies, brownies, pies and cakes.
JH Open Gym: Tuesday, July 19th starting at 5:30 PM and ending at 7:00 PM in the gym. Open to all girls and boys in grades 6-8.
JH/HS weights from 7-8:30pm this week. Seasons are approaching fast!! Pass the word, and let's get ready for fall!!!
FBLA would like to thank everyone who purchased 50/50 raffle tickets. We raised $446 and the winner is Katie Curtright!
Thank you, Mrs. Curtright, for donating your winnings back to us.
The FBLA Officers are doing a 50/50 raffle to help with expenses for the National Fall Conference in Denver. Drawing will be on July 5th
Please find an officer for tickets!
FBLA officers are at Pete's today washing windows for tips. We will be here until 7pm!
2nd Semester Honor Roll. Congratulations Tigers!!
Congratulations to Daylan Black for finishing 7th at the state track meet in pole vault! Daylan finished with a final height of 11' 8.5".
MSHSAA State track for class 1 & 2 is currently under a rain delay. Gates will open no sooner than 10 am events starting no earlier than 11 am. Our boys had a great day yesterday in their relay races placing 11th and 15th in the state and setting a new PR! One more event to go.
JH boys and girls basketball camp. June 1,8,15 and 22 10am-noon in the dome.
If anyone is interested in the June football camp for high school, forms are due tomorrow at the high school office by noon. The office has extra copies and Coach Halvorson will have some tonight at the spring sports banquet.
Spring awards reception is tonight at 6:00 pm in the auditorium. We will recognize junior high & high school track, softball and band. (5.18.2022)
Spring Awards Reception. Wednesday, May 18th at 6:00 pm. We will recognize track & field, softball and hs band.
Items that were left in JH/HS lockers are outside the HS office. Please stop by if your child left something in their locker. Items will be here until Wednesday afternoon. Afterwards items will be donated. Thank you!
The Dome will open tonight for graduation seating at 6:15. Hope to see you all there!
Sorry Seniors, I put wrong time. It is 12:15 in the dome.
Seniors it is practice day! Be here in the dome at 2:15.
Sectional Track Meet Information
Senior Awards Reception starts tonight at 6:00 pm in the high school auditorium.
Our final senior spotlight of 2022, Tori Cumpton!
Congratulations to all of our seniors!!! We are so proud of you!