The Little Caesar's fundraising items will be in on Tuesday, April 2nd. All freshmen who participated in the fundraiser will need to plan on taking their orders home immediately after school. If you have practice or events after school, you will need to make other arrangements, as all of the items must be refrigerated or frozen as soon as possible!
12 months ago, Katie Curtright
Rich Hill Senior Class of 2024. Ryleigh Wolf!
12 months ago, TJ Black
JH/HS Track Updates: The HS track meet scheduled for tomorrow (3.26.2024) at Archie has been postponed due to the cold temps and wind chills. Archie is working on a possible make-up date. We have also decided to pull our JH athletes out of the JH Osceola meet scheduled for Tuesday. We will have practice Tuesday in the dome at our regular scheduled times.
12 months ago, TJ Black
Sports updates
Seniors Taryn Jones & Emily Black and Freshmen Levi Jones, Kyndl Thompson, and Raed Rebman represent Rich Hill in Nevada's MAIN Scholar Bowl tournament. This is one of the largest SB tournaments in western Missouri.
12 months ago, Sarah Arnold
JH Track heads to Butler tonight! Good Luck JH Tigers!!!
12 months ago, TJ Black
JH Track
JH Cheer tryout results will be released on Wednesday March 27th by the end of the school day.
12 months ago, John Gilbert
Here's a map of our 2026 Ireland and England (with France extension) tour! If you have a student in the class of 2026, 2027, or 2028, you’re invited to learn more about the trip we’re planning with EF Tours! Copy and paste the link below:
12 months ago, Doug Abend
2026 Ireland map
SOFTBALL GAME TIME CHANGE- Friday, March 22nd the RH Lady Tigers will play here at 5:00 pm against the Miami Lady Eagles.
12 months ago, TJ Black
time change
Congratulations to the new National Honor Society inductees! Senior, Abby Kyler Sophomore, Damien Ahart Sophomore, Preston Turner Sophomore, Kaylee Couzens Sophomore, Mady Ephland Sophomore, Oscar Green Sophomore, Juliana Abend Sophomore, Cooper Gillis Sophomore, Remington Turner Sophomore, Levi Smalley
12 months ago, TJ Black
NHS 2024
Families, if you have a student in the class of 2026, 2027, or 2028... We’re going to Ireland and England (and adding on France) in Summer 2026, and you’re invited to learn more about the trip we’re planning with EF Tours! Copy and paste the link below:
12 months ago, Doug Abend
May 2026 Ireland and England
The first HS Track meet is at Butler tomorrow (3.21.2024). Please see the list of events attached. Good luck Tigers!
12 months ago, TJ Black
HS @ Butler
Alumni Spotlight, Miss Noelle Abend, 2023 Rich Hill Graduate. Noelle is a member of the Marching Mizzou Band. She and her band "traveled to Dublin, Ireland where the University of Missouri's marching band outshined 13 other bands from Ireland, France, and the United States, during a performance in the city's St. Patrick's Day Parade on Sunday." "They received the title of "Best Overall Band" at the 2024 St. Patrick’s Day parade" The link below is a story done by the Columbia news station KOMU. Congratulations Noelle!!
12 months ago, TJ Black
Monday, March 18th the annual Winter Sports Reception was held. The athletes were honored with several recognitions, varsity letters, and awards. Congratulations to our 2023-2024 Basketball and Cheer Athletes!
12 months ago, TJ Black
winter sports
Rich Hill Senior Class of 2024. Kirsten Hardin!
12 months ago, TJ Black
Tomorrow, 3.20.2024 is the Immunization Clinic here at school. There is a required immunization for current 7th & 11th graders for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. If your student does require these immunizations you should have received notice in the mail. If your child will participate in the clinic the appropriate forms must be submitted before services are given.
12 months ago, TJ Black
imm clinic
JH Cheer Tryouts tonight from 4:15 to 5:00 in the dome for girls that have signed up and returned all paperwork to Mrs. Schenker.
12 months ago, Dr. Kevin T. Goddard
High School Winter Sports Reception- On Monday, March 18th at 6:00 pm we will have an awards reception for HS Basketball and Cheer.
12 months ago, TJ Black
Rich Hill Senior Class of 2024. Serenity Laughlin!
12 months ago, TJ Black
Rich Hill Senior Class of 2024. Kayden Coonce!
12 months ago, TJ Black
All-District Teams announced! Girls Class 1 District 6 = Maysi Miller Boys Class 2 District 13 = Brayden Chandler, Zane Becker, & Dillon Coonce Congratulations!
12 months ago, TJ Black
all district