Rich Hill Tiger News!!

Teachers, Students, and Patrons,

I hope everyone is finally thawing out after last week.  We have several schedule changes, and we will try to keep everyone informed of these changes.  If you have any questions or concerns feel free to call 417-395-4191 or email   Have a great week and as always #ProudToBeATiger!

Tiger Pride Student of the Week!

-Noelle Abend

Tiger Success!!

-FBLA placed 1st in District Competition!

-VG BB placed 3rd in AC Tournament!

-VB BB won the AC Tournament!

-FFA had four qualify to move on to compete for State FFA Degree (Taron Mumma, Garrett   Brooks, Levi Nichols, and Jaydn Swickhamer)!

-Taron Mumma won Star in Agriscience!

-Garrett Brooks won Star in Agribusiness!

-Taron Mumma, Adam Bridgewater, Levi Nichols, and Kinady Fischer won a proficiency area!

-Kolby Steuck, Garrett Brooks, Jaydn Swickhamer placed 2nd in a proficiency area!

-Rachel Scrivener placed fourth in her proficiency area!


February 11-16  FBLA Week

Monday 11th  

-FCCLA Valentine Suckers For Sale

-V/JV at 5:00 PM Bus Leaves at 3:45 PM (Drexel)

-Scholar Bowl is postponed at this time

Tuesday 12th

-FCCLA Valentine Suckers For Sale  

-FBLA Week: America Day

-V/JV BB at 5:00 PM Bus Leaves at 3:30 PM (Lakeland)

-JH Play Practice at 3:00-4:10 PM (Auditorium)

Wednesday 13th

-FCCLA Valentine Suckers For Sale  

-FBLA Week: Dress For Success

-JH Play Practice at 3:00-4:10 PM (Auditorium) 

-BOE Mtg. at 6:30 PM (Library)

 Thursday 14th

-FCCLA Valentine Suckers For Sale  

-FBLA Week: Club Day

-JH Play Practice at 3:00-4:10 PM (Auditorium) 

-WEMO JH Scholar Bowl Meet (Archie)

Friday 15th

-FCCLA Valentine Suckers For Sale  

-V/JV BB vs. Appleton City at 5:00 PM

-Senior Night between VG/VB BB Games

-Jr. Class Silent Auction (Elementary Cafeteria)

-Transplant Day for Jessica (Please wear Jessica's Journey Shirt)

Saturday 16th

-District Basketball Tournament Begins (Rich Hill Will Not Play On Saturday)