Rich Hill Tiger News!!

Teachers, Students, and Patrons,

Welcome Back!  There is excitement in the building on the starting of a new semester.  We have lots going on this week, and next so make sure to watch the school website/facebook/twitter pages to get up to speed.  If you have any questions feel free to reach out at 417-395-4191.  And as always #ProudToBeATiger!

January 7-11th (Appleton City Tournament Week)

Tuesday 8th

-Greenhand Motivational Conference Bus Leaves 8:30 AM (Sedalia

-VB Basketball at 6:00 PM Bus Leaves 4:30 PM (Appleton City)

-VG Basketball at 7:30 PM Bus Leaves 4:30 PM (Appleton City)

 Wednesday 9th

-Board of Education Mtg. at 6:30 PM (Library)

-AC Tournament TBD

Thursday 10th

-AC Tournament TBD  

Friday 11th 

-AC Tournament TBD  

Saturday 12th

-AC Tournament TBD

-JH Honor Band Van Leaves 6:00 AM (Smith-Cotton, Sedalia)