This week in a glance 11.4.2020

This week in a glance

Tiger Pride Weekly Winner:  Maddy Klinksick

Monday - 11.2.2020:

-Student report cards and bills have been mailed home

-Distance Learning for Students

-Play Rehearsal 3:10 - 4:30 pm

-JH Hume Basketball Tournament ( Brackets attached in weekly email)

Tuesday - 11.3.2020:

-Distance Learning for Students

-JH Hume Basketball Tournament  ( Brackets attached in weekly email)

-Play Rehearsal 7:00 - 8:30 pm

Wednesday - 11.4.2020:

-JH Hume Basketball Tournament ( Brackets attached in weekly email)

-Play Rehearsal 3:10 - 4:30 pm

Thursday - 11.5.2020:

-JH Hume Basketball Tournament  ( Brackets attached in weekly email)

-Play Rehearsal 7:00 - 8:30 pm

Friday - 11.6.2020:

-JH Hume Basketball Tournament  ( Brackets attached in weekly email)

-Varsity District Football @ Archie @ 7:00 pm - Bus Time 4:30 pm

Football District Bracket

Saturday - 11.7.2020:

-JH Hume Basketball Tournament  ( Brackets attached in weekly email)

*Please note that all scheduled information provided above is subject to change.


Extra News:

**K-12 are receiving FREE Meals.  Each student that chooses to eat breakfast and/or lunch here at school will receive one free breakfast and one free lunch.  If the student chooses to eat seconds, that will be charged as a regular priced meal.  **Virtual students will need to call the office to request their meals by 8:00 am.  Take Away meals will be available for pick up on the Elementary side of the school.                 


Events coming up:  

11/10/20 Jostens will be here to meet with Seniors for graduation and Sophomores for class rings

11/14/20 HS Fall Play-”An Enchanted Bookshop Christmas”  7:00 pm  Tickets are $5.00

After School Tutoring is offered Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  The teacher on duty each week is different.  Tutoring is 30 minutes long. 

Teachers offering Tutoring:

Mrs. Morgan (on duty)

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday

Mrs. Curtright

Tuesday & Thursday 3:05-4:00

Mrs. Dawn Breckenridge

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 3:05-4:00

Mrs. Amanda Breckenridge

Monday & Tuesday 3:05-4:00

Ms. Wills

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 3:05-4:00

Yearbook order forms are attached in weekly email.

Parent Portal/Canvas Information: Please see Canvas attachments in email for instructions

Canvas Website    RHHS Documents

  Check out our Menus at:  Lunch Menu

How to check your student’s lunch account online.  RHHS Documents

Stay up to date by visiting or download the school app from the Apple app store or Google. You will search for the following:  Rich Hill R-IV School District

Tiger Pride: Our school staff catches students doing good in our schools and nominates the student for the prize.  Those good deeds are displayed in our front hall on the “we caught you” board.  On Fridays we pull a name out of a jar and that is how our winners are determined.

Thank you and have a great week!!!