The JH/HS Principal Corner (10/16/20)

Another week in the books and boy it got cooler. I want to take a moment and thank everyone who has been involved with keeping education moving forward through these unprecedented times. A big shout out to the teachers who have been preparing lessons for both students in their seats and those who are at home. I have seen all our teachers putting extra time in to ensure that students will continue to learn wherever they are. I also want to thank parents and guardians of all students for their support during these times. Thank you for checking in with your kiddo(s) and their education to ensure it is as non-interrupted as possible. Lastly, I want to thank all of the students. Although we have kiddos who would do anything to be back in the building, those in the building also want them back as well. It has been quite the adjustment for everyone but all have been troopers and we will make it through this. Here are a few updates for the week.

The first quarter ends next Wednesday (10/21). The second quarter rotation for junior high students starts Thursday (10/22).

Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences will be held Thursday October 29. I encourage all parents to reach out and make contact with their kid’s teachers. I do ask, if possible, to reach out via email to teachers to make appointments for parent teacher conferences. We do everything we can to minimize distractions in class and making arrangements for conferences through email will help us stay focused on learning in the classrooms.

Attention junior high students and parents: The policy in the athletics handbooks states:

For junior high eligibility, the participant must be enrolled as a full-time student. The student shall not have received a failing grade in any subject during the preceding quarter. Academically ineligible students who are becoming eligible for the current quarter become eligible on the fifth day of classes of the new term.

Please have this conversation with your kiddo(s) and continue to check grades. Basketball season is right around the corner and I know we have a lot of excited athletes who want to play.

Thank you for reading and it is always a great day to be a Tiger!!!