Happy Friday! It has been a great week up here in the junior high and high school preparing for the upcoming school year. I want to brag on our staff for a moment because they have worked tirelessly and they are excited for Monday. They have spent the last five days preparing classrooms, helping with scheduling, growing through professional development, preparing for re-opening utilizing the district's four phase plan, and are ready for students to be back in class. I am incredibly impressed by the staff here at RHHS and know we will have a great year. I wanted to send out some updates in preparation for Monday.
As students come to school in the morning, we will have an altered morning routine this year that is backed by the district’s COVID four phase plan. All junior high and high school students will enter the building through the double doors directly in front of the auditorium. This includes all walkers, car riders, students who drive to school, and bus riders. High school and junior high students who are car riders, regardless of where they are dropped off, need to come through the west double doors in front of the auditorium. If students are dropped off or walk by the dome, they need to walk around the gym to the double doors in front of the auditorium. Here students will get their temperature checked. Afterwards, middle school students will go to breakfast or remain in the cafeteria until the first bell and high school students will go to breakfast or remain in the auditorium until the first bell. For additional information, please refer to the district's four phase plan that is on the school website.
Due to the procedures for entering the building, I strongly encourage students to arrive at school in ample amount of time to avoid being tardy. Teachers who have morning duty will be at the double doors when the doors unlock at 7:35 so please do not wait until the last minute to arrive at school so tardies can be avoided.
Per the district's COVID four phase plan and beginning in phase yellow, parents or guardians will not be allowed into the building to drop items off for students. Items that are dropped off for students by parents or guardians will be left in between the two double doors by the high school office. There is a table set up for items to be left. Please ring the bell to notify the office that you are dropping off an item for your student. Please label the item with the student's name and if a message needs to be left, please write it on a sticky note and leave it with the item. After the office is notified and you have left the entry, the item will be picked up and delivered to the student.
Please remind students that sharing of items this year is going to be strongly discouraged. This includes Chromebooks. Please help them remember that they need to bring their school issued Chromebook to school each day fully charged to be ready for instruction throughout the day.
I want to thank you for reading these updates and helping us prepare for this upcoming school year. We have taken many precautions to help keep students and our staff safe, but I cannot wait for a great school year in which we can get back in the classroom to learn. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at jgilbert@richhill.k12.mo.us. Thank you again for helping us here at RHHS for this school year and it is always a great day to be a Tiger!