This week at a glance:
Monday, April 22nd
High School Track at Midway. Bus leaves at 2:00pm
Baseball at home against Adrian
Snow Make-up day
Tuesday, April 23rd
Junior High Track at Archie. Bus leaves at 2:30pm
Baseball & Softball at Miami. Bus leaves at 3:15pm
7th & 8th grade start MAP testing
Wednesday, April 24th
8th grade MAP testing
ACT makeup test
State FFA at Columbia, MO. Bus leaves at 4:30pm
Thursday, April 25th
Junior High Track at Adrian. Bus leaves at 2:45 pm
State Choir & Band at Columbia, MO. Bus leaves at 11:00am
State FFA at Columbia, MO.
Friday, April 26th
State Choir & Band at Columbia, MO.
State FFA at Columbia, MO.
Saturday, April 27th
2019 Jr/Sr Prom. Promenade will start at 4:30 pm. Attendees need to arrive at 3:45 pm.
Please note that all times and events are subject to change. Stay up to date with any changes on the school website. For sporting events, check out the “Tiger Athletics” tab.
Random information:
Senior Reminders: We still need some of your baby and senior pictures! Please bring them in ASAP.
Jostens: Senior items and caps & gowns were delivered. If you had a balance due, you can pay in the HS office with cash or money order.
Coming up: MAP & EOC Testing
Alumni Banquet: May 25th at 6:30 pm in the Dome. Meal tickets: $12.50. Tickets may be purchased through Beverly Sullins or at Citizens Bank in Rich Hill. Reservations need to be made by 5/20/2019. Alumni Dues: $5.00