With July 2020 ending, the race to start school begins. Here are some essential things as we plunge into August...
Please make sure anyone you are talking to knows that we need kids to have immunizations up to date at the start of school or shortly after. Here are the requirements:
Kindergarten: DTaP
8th Grade: Tdap, MCV
12th Grade: MCV
Facebook: I've found that comments on Facebook are rarely productive regarding school decisions. Please follow district policy for communicating with the school. I have used filter settings to effectively block comments on the district page.
Dome roof: There was an incident involving a clogged gutter that caused water to spill over the guttering and run into the dome through the door and emergency light. It looked like there was a roof leak, but Mark found the clog and removed it. There have been 3 heavy rains since he fixed the issue and we have had no more water entering the gym.
COVID19: Legal provisions, CDC recommendations, and school roll-out plans continue to be released. We are still working on sanitization procedures, transportation concerns, and in-person and virtual instruction options. Here are some things we know you need to be thinking about:
- Can you bring your child to school to help alleviate riders on the bus. We want as few and as short of stops as possible.
- Send your child with a personalized water bottle (sharpie is fine, but you may have to check it for wear often). The water fountains have been disabled. Only the water bottle fill stations are operational. Please wash your child's water bottle every night!
- Are you going to send your child in a mask on the bus and/or during school? The science seems pretty clear that kids under 12 aren’t likely to get or transmit the disease. From age 12 to 18, the risk increases some. We will be determining whether we think the risk is high enough to require grades 6-12 to wear masks. Fabric masks must be disinfected daily! Contaminated masks are causing respiratory and other infections not related to COVID19.
- We are doing everything we can to reasonably and safely start school without putting an undue burden on parents trying to return to work. While you might not agree with every decision made, please refrain from criticizing the school or employees to your children. We are all new to this situation and we could use your support.